Category Archives : The United States of America

DeSantis Devoured by the Deep State 22.01.2024

"I'm leaving. I've done everything I could."(с) Boris Yeltsin. Ron DeSantis has announced that he is ending his presidential campaign. A year ago, DeSantis was considered a likel ...

What does Xi’s visit to the U.S. mean? 17.11.2023

"He who plays with fire will surely burn himself." Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping's visit to the U.S. signifies a highly important event. It's worth noting that Xi Jinping never does any ...

Who will make America great again? 23.07.2020

"Alors, citoyens, il est à craindre que la révolution, comme Saturne, ne dévore successivement tous ses enfants et n’engendre enfin le despotisme avec les calamités qui l’accomp ...