Cosmopolitanism in Post-Conflict Society 11.11.2023
'I am a citizen of the world.'
(c) Diogenes the Cynic.
The concept of cosmopolitanism as a single global state originated in the secret societies of Hermeticists, the history of whose origins is lost in the centuries. In their time, the Templars became acquainted with the teachings of the Hermeticists and borrowed certain symbolism from them. There are echoes of Hermeticism in 'mystical Judaism' - Kabbalah, which was developed in Aragon, Castile, and Provence in the 12th-13th centuries - where some of the main possessions of the Order of the Templars were located at that time, as well as their key castles, such as: Monzón (12th century) and Peñíscola (13th century) in Aragon; Ponferrada (11th century) in Castile, and Richerenches (12th century) in Provence. Well, and about the mystical stories associated with Rennes-le-Château (8th century), you can read on the internet yourself. That's the end of the brief history course, and we return to cosmopolitanism.
Personally, I have shared precisely cosmopolitan views throughout my conscious life, which in turn coincided with the global concept of the 'Community of Sovereign Democracies', proposed in 2006 by Vladislav Surkov, developing the thought of U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney about the 'Community of Sovereign Democracies' in the territory of the former USSR and CMEA countries. Then the idea did not go beyond the concept itself. However, the idea was indeed interesting. The Templars would have liked it.
All the problems of modern civilization are that feudal monsters have set borders everywhere, and each pulls the geopolitical blanket over themselves. Major scientific developments, massive budget expenditures, human resources, etc., go to war. Yet, in the 20th century, there were already two attempts to create supranational structures that could put an end to violence on a global scale: the League of Nations and the UN. Both times the project was unsuccessful. In December 2017, I wrote an article: 'The World of Manipulations'. Well, that's exactly how it turned out. Here's an excerpt from there:
'...I'm writing all this here because in the modern heterogeneous world, it's not some 'eternal values' that rule, but solely power. Whoever gathers more 'soldiers' under the banners of their ideology, whoever manages minds better, whoever creates the most effective means of destruction, is the 'hero'. And as is known, the victors are not judged. That is precisely why elites or supranational structures really do not want to think about the freedom of the individual or some individual's critical thinking. They think only in terms of power, which in turn includes manipulation of mass consciousness and the development of optimal elements of control over the society they manage.
In any case, there will be no winners in this war of 'snake against frog'. But even before the conflict itself, all critically thinking elements in the public space, as well as any independent media or financial tools, will be discredited and destroyed. It is also essential to understand this.'
When the world is divided exactly in half, there is only one option - a global war. The question is just when it will happen? And the war will write off everything.
Also, I doubt that there will be any winners in this war. Yes, even if there are, the 'Community of Sovereign Democracies' is unlikely to shine in the world afterwards. The only thing that can change the situation is the creation of new global ideological bases, based on a normal understanding of humanism and cosmopolitanism; as well as in the creation of functioning global institutions; which will replace the UN in a post-conflict society, if that is even possible, of course. The world is a hundred years late with fundamental decisions to restructure the entire global governance system, and now progress only leads to greater damage to humanity in the event of a conflict, and the sum of this damage grows in proportion to the progressing progress. And this process in today's realities will only be stopped by war.
If modern civilization can survive the impending global conflict, then subsequent generations must forever put an end to the problems plaguing contemporary society. And the main problem is political, cultural, and religious disunity of humanity. The solution to this problem is only one - the civilization's arrival at the concept of cosmopolitanism, based on the humanistic ideals of a free society living in harmony with nature. There are no alternatives, unless, of course, we consider a return to primitive society.
Tags: Community of Sovereign Democracies | Hermeticist | cosmopolitanism | war