Honestly, I do not know what will happen to our guest after the publication of this interview. Especially after the second and third parts were published. Because in them - just w ...
"The power that is supported by force alone will have cause often to tremble".(c) Lajos Kossuth.
After the tragicomic situation that would not have any serious consequences for ...
"When partners can’t agreeTheir dealings come to naughtAnd trouble is their labor’s only fruit".(с) Ivan Krylov.
The interview, where Alexey Navalny, based on the information ob ...
"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus".(c) A legal maxim.
Leonid Brezhnev's period in the Soviet Union has been referred to as the "Era of stagnation". Although for many people who ...
“Cui bono?”.© Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Moldovan presidential election will take place on November 1 this year. There are only two real candidates, current Moldovan President Ig ...