This film delves into the complex and tumultuous political landscape of contemporary Russia under Vladimir Putin's regim ...
"The 'deep state' draws power from national security and intelligence, transforming into a realm where secrecy is the source of power."(c) Professor Jason Royce Lindsey.
The prob ...
"He who plays with fire will surely burn himself."
Xi Jinping.
Xi Jinping's visit to the U.S. signifies a highly important event. It's worth noting that Xi Jinping never does any ...
'I am a citizen of the world.'
(c) Diogenes the Cynic.
The concept of cosmopolitanism as a single global state originated in the secret societies of Hermeticists, the history of ...
"The decision to launch missiles is usually made by the president himself, but it is always coordinated with the data from the 'nuclear footballs' of the Minister of Defense and ...